
Thursday, 22 March 2012

Laura's Essentials For Exams

This won't be you...why is he studying? He's 5..
It's just about that time of year again, folks! Exam time. All about stress, little sleep, and well, general moodiness. But everyone, relax! Whether it's your first university exam or your last, they can be stressful, I'm not going to lie, but you don't need to go overboard. Remember to study, ask questions if you need to, and be confident in yourself! Easy! If you need a little extra studying encouragement, below are my personal top five essentials for studying and who knows, maybe they'll help you too.

My top five essentials for exam prep:

Music: This one is a hit-or-miss with people. Some people need dead quiet while studying and music can just be plain distracting. But if you're like me, a little relaxing studying music playing in the background can't hurt. Pro-tip: Every year I make an "Exam Jams" playlist on iTunes. Iron & Wine  makes an appearance every year.

The perfect study space: Whether it is your favourite nook in the library or sprawled out on the floor in your room, the perfect study space can really make all the difference. It's very important to keep your study space organized, not overwhelming, and clear of any distractions! Pro-tip: In addition to my "to-do" list, I keep a "to-do" and "done" pile of books/notes etc. in my study space.

Sweatpants: Yes, sweatpants are on my list. I can't tell you how a comfy pair of pants makes all of the difference when studying... or even when you're writing the exam itself. Pro-tip: By "sweatpants," I mean Roots sweatpants. Really, is there any other way to go?

Tea: Tea has the great triple threat to it of caffeine, stress-relieving elements, and health benefits. If you feel that you've had too much caffeine for one day, simmer down, and have a cup of herbal tea or rooibos. (It doesn't have caffeine!) (I'll stop before this turns into a blog post about tea.) Tea not your thing? We can't be friends....haha, joking. But remember to keep hydrated. Pro-tip: David's Tea & Teaopia are heaven. 

Breaks: Do not feel guilty about taking a break from studying. I don't mean study for five minutes and then have a Lord of the Rings marathon or anything, I mean a solid 15 minute break after an hour of studying. Or maybe study in the morning, go out in the afternoon, and get back at it in the evening. Pro-tip: Going outside for breaks are the best.

Now, to take my own advice....

What are some of your exam studying tips? 

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Awesome Of The Day - "Swackett"

Somebody on Tumblr the other day blogged about how awesome "Swackett" was and showed a picture similar to this ------------------->

A Lord of the Rings reference? The Weather? I had to investigate. Swackett is essentially a weather app. Their claim is that they are, "a different kind of weather app."

With it's very simple format, yes, they make the weather easy to read but what really makes this app awesome, is their design. With the changing weather comes suggestions about what to wear to correspond with the day's temperature. Awesome right? As a bonus, on some days, The Lord of the Rings picture being one of those bonuses, this fun app will have pictures from your favourite movie/television show/pop culture reference instead of the usual people telling you what clothes to wear.

Screen shot from Swackett
In the pictures that I've shown you, the weather appears in Fahrenheit, but fear not, you can customize the weather to Celsius, your location, and even what temperature you consider hot or cold so they can adjust their clothing suggestions accordingly.


Swackett is available for your iPhone or your Mac.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

A Glendon Club Spotlight: Radio Glendon

Our awesome Radio Glendon man!
Similar to Glendon's student newspaper, Pro Tem, Glendon's radio station, Radio Glendon, is knee-deep in history too! A fun fact: in 1982, my own father used to guest DJ with his buddy (who went to Glendon) - He would also bat his chest and pretend he was in a helicopter to tell the traffic report....but I won't get into that...

Since its creation in 1977, Radio Glendon has gone through a major evolution. Originally a "cable radio" outlet, Radio Glendon converted to an AM radio station in 1990 and later to FM radio in 2005 under the name CKRG-FM. Finally, Radio Glendon made the big change to online radio in 2010.

Taking up new residence at, Radio Glendon is home to a variety of student run shows, filled with the best talk, mainstream music, and even some music that you've probably never heard of. As an extra plus, Radio Glendon strives to be a twenty-four hour radio station and with Glendon's multi-lingual student body, Radio Glendon does not limit itself to English only shows. So whatever time it is and whatever language you speak, Radio Glendon can cater to your needs. 

As this year's Music Industry Rep for the station and on the air every Thursday from 12:30 - 1:30, I can personally tell you that Radio Glendon is one extra-special part of the Glendon student community. Located in the basement of the manor, Radio Glendon is a hidden gem at Glendon, always looking for fresh, new show ideas and new student involvement.

Once again, like Pro Tem, Radio Glendon has been about rebuilding and rebranding, hoping to become more acknowledged within not only the Glendon community but in the student radio community as a whole. We marked this rebuilding process in style with an official launch at the start of the school year.

As two huge supporters of Radio Glendon, Kelly Lui and Nazampal (Naz) Jaswal are two of our most prominent DJs, hosting their show "Hummus and Baba Ganoush Show" every Monday from 11 to 1pm. (You can like the show on Facebook!) Featuring great conversation and always stellar tunes, Kelly and Naz answered a few questions I had for them about their involvement with Radio Glendon:

What do you like most about being involved in the radio station?

Naz - I get to listen to myself talk....*laughs*
Kelly- You get to play the music that you like!
N - Yeah, that's the biggest thing. Actually playing the music that you like and introduce people to sounds that they might not usually listen to.

Why do you think future students should be involved with Radio Glendon?

N - To hear themselves talk. *laughs* I think it's important because you get different voices on the air and you get different music. It's another way for people to express themselves and it's important to have a fun outlet when you're in school.
K - I just love getting that nervous feeling when you're on air. And also, it works on your confidence. As Naz said, having a form of expression and getting yourself out there. It's also a different side to the Glendon personality, I think.

For all things Radio Glendon, we're on Facebook, Twitter, and of course, to listen live check out our website.